Lyle Labardee, MS, LPC | Employee Assistance Consultant

Amplified Life Counseling & Coaching

Lyle Labardee
is Co-Founder and CEO of Amplified Life Network, LLC, a leading provider of clinical counseling services for individuals, and employee assistance  services for employers.

Lyle's 25+ years of professional experience includes service as a licensed mental health provider conducting psychological assessments, providing clinical consultations and behavioral health therapy.  His business experience includes co-founding (with his wife, Susan) the Ernst and Young award-winning company, Crisis Care Network, (the first nationwide provider of CISM services to EAPs), and developing one of the first HIPAA-compliant coaching apps (CrisisCoach).

Educational History

Gannon University
M.S. in Counseling

University of Dayton
B.A. Religious Studies,/ Philosophy (Seminary)

Michigan: Licensed Professional Counselor: 6401003943

National Provider Identifier
ID # 1043537574

Current Certifications
Board Certified Coach #31
National Certified Counselor #23016
Distance Credentialed Counselor #5949

Memberships in Professional Organizations
American Counseling Association
National Board of Certified Counselors

Clinical and Other Professional Experience

2012 - Present: Amplified Life Network, Co-Founder and President

2013-2016 - University of Phoenix - Chair / WM College of Social Sciences

2004 -2012 - LifeOptions Group - Vice President

1997-2009 - Crisis Care Network - Co-Founder and CEO

1991-1997 - Concentra - Manager | Director of Crisis Response

Prior to 1991
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center - WPIC - Neuropsychological Evaluations
St. Vincent Health Center - Rehabilitation Center - Psychological Services-Dayton Fire Department / EVFD / Emergycare - EMT /Firefighter

Selected Publications

Labardee, L., Hodges, P., & Williams, P., Counselors Who Coach, Counseling Today, November 2012.

Labardee, L., Anthony, K., & Merz Nagel, D. (2011) Ethical Framework for the Use of Technology in Coaching, Online Therapy Institute, 2011

Labardee, L. (2009) Online Counseling Crosses the Chasm, The EAP Digest, Summer 2009.  

Labardee, L., Gist, R., & VandePol, B.  (2006) The Evolution of Psychological First Aid, Journal of Employee Assistance, May 2006.

Labardee, L., Braverman, M., Gist, R., & VandePol, B.  (2006) Strategic Specialty Partnerships: Enabling the EAP for Evidence-Informed Best Practices in workplace Crisis Response, Workplace Disaster Preparedness, Response and Management, 2006

Labardee, L., Brauzell, S. & Viollis, P. (2003) Workplace Security Handbook, Jane’s, March 2003.

Individual and Organizational Awards:

ComputerWorld Honors Laureate (2004)  - LifeOptions Group - for deployment of its CrisisCoach web platform to assist Hurricane Katrina victims with recovery; the Laureate is a distinction honoring “those who use information technology to benefit society”

Ernst and Young Entrepreneur of the Year, West Michigan – 2002 (Crisis Care Network).

Lyle specializes in assisting business & non-profit leaders, public safety professionals and fellow practitioners in overcoming challenges and reaching their goals.

Community Support 

Board Member - Selah Empowers (Womens DV Support Organization)

Wellbeing Consultant - Grand Rapids First church

Personal Interests

  • Playing hockey
  • Training my German Shepherd
  • Spending time on “the farm” with wife, Susan and family
  • Consulting to non-profit leaders on expanding services
  • Innovating technology-enabled behavioral health solutions

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